Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Global Warming a Result of Earth's Natural Cycle

Just as good home owners constantly inspect their homes for damage or deterioration, mother nature habitually examines earth to ensure that the planet running the way God constructed it to. According to John Carlisle director of the Environmental Policy Task Force of the National Center for Public Policy Research "the climate has operated on a relatively predictable schedule of 100,000-year glaciation cycles." During a glaciation cycle the planet enjoys 90,000 years of cooling. Once confident that earth's natural air conditioning system is functioning correctly mother nature proceeds to test the planets heater. Scientists refer to the warm years that follow a glaciation cycles as an interglacial period. Each interglacial period lasts about 10,000-12,000 years.Studies show that earth is currently in an interglacial period "called the Holocene that began 10,700 years ago." This data suggests that the increasing temperatures earth is experiencing today are to be expected. In fact the temperature could continue to rise for roughly another 1,300 year, therefore man kind should not to panic until about 3310 and honestly I would not worry even then. The planet's average global temperature is only higher by 6 degrees Fahrenheit than it was in 8700 b.c. "Dr. Hugh Ellsaesser of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory says that we may be in for an additional 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit of warming over the next few centuries, regardless of Man's activities." After mother nature is satisfied with her inspection of the world's heater, she will turn on the air conditioning unit and begin her annual assesment once again.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to start your blog! What I have found from reading a lot of the blogs is that they are a bunch of information and not enough attention getters. By pointing out some great facts you can keep the attention of the reader and actually make them believe you. You have some facts in here that I have not heard before in others pieces. I will be honest with you, I really do not read much about the environment and global warming. If I were to read an article the way that you phrased it, I could be a lot more interested. I feel that Earth is warming a bit but could be just part of the Natural cycle that it incurs over time. Whenever you state information from actual Dr.’s, that could be just the thing that the population would like to hear. Time and time again you hear some crazy facts that would lead you to believe only false pretenses. Mother nature is the one that we need to make happy. By going about our day doing what is right throwing trash in the trash can, recycling and conserving energy will keep her happy enough on the cycle.
