Thursday, February 25, 2010


The human race lives in a constant state of irrational fear.  Forty years ago the media was in a frenzy because of a slight decrease in earth's average temperature. They made outlandish claims that the our planet was going to freeze. This may sound ridiculous to our generation, but four decades ago people were seriously panicking because nobody wanted to be a Popsicle! Today the media claims mankind might actually melt due to slight increases in temperature. In the popular documentary "An Inconvenient Truth"politician Al Gore compares the world's entire population to a frog, and global warming to a pot of boiling water. He claims that if no action is take the frog or the six billion people on this planet will boil.  This is a bit extreme. Let's be realistic, shall we? Global warming would actually prove beneficial to the frog population or earth's people, because warmer temperatures mean more insects, more crops. This is simply logical, but sadly in fear there is no logic. Yes, we are in a "state of fear" but as Franklin D. Roosevelt so wisely said "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."

Kenner: Who is he?

Author Michael Crichton shares a few similar qualities with the fictiscious character "Proffessor Kenner" in his novel State of Fear. Both men are highly intelligent and possess a wealth of information concerning the enviroment. In chapter twelve: VANUTU TEAM TUESDAY, AUGUST 24 11:00 A.M. Michael Crichton presents the reader with four very complicated graphs. Then, in the proceeding paragraphs he patiently explains and carefully interprets each graph in terms the reader can understand. Likewise in chapter thirty two: TO WEDDELL STATION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 8:04 A.M.  Kenner presents Evans with pages of confusing data . Kenner then simplifies each scientific report with a simple sentences such as, "Trend toward more sea ice may be accelerating." (230). Although Crichton and Kenner are some what alike, I believe Michael Crichton intended for Kenner to be a fictitious portrayal of scientist Richard Lindzen. In State of Fear, Kenner is an esteemed professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In reality, Richard Lindzen is a respected professor at MIT. Both men have dedicated large amounts of their precious time to persuade the powerful individuals that global warming is not a dangerous phenomenon that threatens the human race. therefore Kenner is much more like Richard Lindzen than like Michael Crichton.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is a beautiful image of Iceland's expanding glaciers. Many people argue that glaciers all around the word are receding, however Iceland's glacier are growing more and more each year. In my opinion the term "GLOBAL warming" is inaccurate. I feel as though our population should refer to fluctuations in temperature by continent, using names like the “Piping Hot Polar Cap” and so on and so forth. This would be simply be more appropriate because while some regions on earth, such as Alaska have been experiencing increases in temperatures other regions, like Antarctica are observing slight decreases in temperature. Perhaps man kind needs to glance at the gorgeous glaciers in Iceland, or stand on Antarctica's thickening ice bergs to realize that this “warming” is NOT a “Global” phenomenon!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Global Warming a Result of Earth's Natural Cycle

Just as good home owners constantly inspect their homes for damage or deterioration, mother nature habitually examines earth to ensure that the planet running the way God constructed it to. According to John Carlisle director of the Environmental Policy Task Force of the National Center for Public Policy Research "the climate has operated on a relatively predictable schedule of 100,000-year glaciation cycles." During a glaciation cycle the planet enjoys 90,000 years of cooling. Once confident that earth's natural air conditioning system is functioning correctly mother nature proceeds to test the planets heater. Scientists refer to the warm years that follow a glaciation cycles as an interglacial period. Each interglacial period lasts about 10,000-12,000 years.Studies show that earth is currently in an interglacial period "called the Holocene that began 10,700 years ago." This data suggests that the increasing temperatures earth is experiencing today are to be expected. In fact the temperature could continue to rise for roughly another 1,300 year, therefore man kind should not to panic until about 3310 and honestly I would not worry even then. The planet's average global temperature is only higher by 6 degrees Fahrenheit than it was in 8700 b.c. "Dr. Hugh Ellsaesser of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory says that we may be in for an additional 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit of warming over the next few centuries, regardless of Man's activities." After mother nature is satisfied with her inspection of the world's heater, she will turn on the air conditioning unit and begin her annual assesment once again.